GridIron goes to ER

When GridIrons cogs stopped working one day the other toys sprang into action. Ted and Crabby checked the wiring while Muggy opened his airway. Mo-hog grabbed his chainsaw and asked the Macak twins to hold his legs.
Zipsack took an X-ray of GridIrons body cavity and that showed Ted which wires to yank. Menguin the Mole grabbed a huge spanner from Mo-hogs toolbox and took off an arm. It didn't help GridIron but it made Physeta and Twingle the Alien laugh.

After an intensive but funpacked three hours they managed to get the cogs moving again and GridIron sat up on the table, good as new.

Or so it seemed! He looked down and where his arm should be he saw a leg, and where his leg should be he saw his clasping claw hand!

He jumped off the ER table and chased the naughty Physeta and Twingle around room waving his leg in the air!

images on Flickr


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